Saturday, August 20, 2011

West Virginia State Fair 2011

Welcome to The West Virginia State Fair 2011. Lots of animals,
lots of crazies and lost of fun!

I LOVE THIS PICTURE! Cute piggy sticking his tongue out at me!

The wonderful process of making the best cinnamon rolls ever!
Mmmmmmm butter...

Mary had a little goat.... :)

What would be a fair without a deep fried Snickers bar?

Spencer loved it. One bite was about all I could handle.

Join us next year for a true West Virginian adventure!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Page Valley Road Race

Spencer signed up for a bike race in Page Valley, Virginia. Our friends Brandon and Laura Strawn/Grube joined me in watching Spencer. He did really well and we had a good time!

This first picture is blurry but You can seen Spencer with his arm out waving to us!

Brandon and Laura waiting at the finish line.

Here comes Spencer...YOU'RE ALMOST THERE!


I am dumb and did not get a picture at the finish line, but just imagine
him crossing it about 50 yards from the last picture...

After the race we ate at this great little breakfast place in Luray, VA.
It is called Uncle Buck's. Spencer bought a shirt there that
says, "Uncle Buck's Meat is Hard to Beat!" It's pretty hilarious.

After breakfast we made our way to the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.
It was a beautiful day but it sure was HUMID!

This is Spencer and I at the top of Little Stoney Man.

This is Laura and me entering the Jungle...

Can you see the fog?

That sign says that where we are standing is the highest point on the

Virginia Highlands Section of the Appalachian Trail.

Brandon taking over the clouds

We had to show proof that we did actually hike on THE Appalachian Trail. This white mark is the blaze that shows the trail for the whole Appalachian Trail which is 2,181 miles.

And this is a crazy, giant...nasty millipede.

Our drive out was very foggy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Greenbrier Classic Concerts

There were three concerts this year for the Greenbrier Classic. The three artists that came were Tim McGraw, The Black Eyed Peas, and Keith Urban.

The first night we babysat for our friends the Sorber's while they went to the Tim McGraw concert but we could hear the music from their deck and we danced the night away.

The next night was The Black Eyed Peas concert. A friend gave me a couple of tickets and since Spencer would have rather stuck himself in the eyes with pencils I took my friend Ashly. We had a good time, but it was honestly the worst concert I had ever been to. At least I didn't pay for the tickets right?

The third night was AMAZING Keith Urban. He is a crazy good guitarist. Spencer was even impressed...and that's sayin somethin. He was so fun to watch. During the concert he went down into the crowd twice. One of those times he walked all the way up the grassy hill to the cheap seats and signed then gave away his electric guitar to some little kid! He also pulled three people up on stage to sing with him. We had so much fun. He are some pics! They aren't the best because I took them with my iPhone and I don't have a flash but it is better than nothing!

This is a little video of Keith Urban and Miranda Lambert singing

"Take Me Home, Country Roads!"